Designer and illustrator

Into the Forest

Into the Forest is a children’s book I created as the practical component of my thesis on subversive children’s literature. It is a reworking of the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. In my version, the girl ignores her mother’s warnings and befriends the wolf. Together, they attack the woodcutter who comes to save her. They then recruit other woodland creatures and wreak havoc in the forest.

The book was constructed on top of scanned pages from the original tale, rewriting it as the new story unfolds.

Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 1.jpg
Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 2.jpg
Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 3.jpg
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Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 7.jpg
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Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 9.jpg
Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 10.jpg
Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 11.jpg
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Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 13.jpg
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Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 15.jpg
Michelle Baron Into the Forest Board 16.jpg