Designer and illustrator
Michelle Baron Sweet Fever Glorious Decay Board 1.jpg

Sweet Fever and Glorious Decay

I designed two artist’s books. The first was inspired by three randomly selected words with their dictionary definitions, and the second, by a sound. The words I selected were “fever”, “decay” and “autopsy”. This led me to the concept of comparing love to disease; fever being the initial stages of infatuation, decay the rotting of the relationship, and autopsy the end and mourning of the relationship.

The second book was also based on this concept, but further inspired by the sound of a dentist’s drill. While Sweet Fever chronicles the process of falling in love, i.e. becoming infected, Glorious Decay shows the end of love, i.e. the rotting of the relationship.

The cover of Sweet Fever features a hand-stitched image of infectious mononucleosis (“kissing disease”), and the cover of “Glorious Decay” represents the decomposition of skin tissue.

Techniques such as wood-cut printing, stitching, painting, collage, bookbinding, monoprinting, watercolour painting and ink drawing were used.

Michelle Baron Sweet Fever Glorious Decay Board 1.jpg
Michelle Baron Sweet Fever Glorious Decay Board 2.jpg
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Michelle Baron Sweet Fever Glorious Decay Board 14.jpg